Exit & Succession Planning

You know how most entrepreneurs think that they will build an amazing business, create their dream life style and then some day sell it or pass it on to their children and ride off into the sunset...

But in reality only 15% of businesses that are listed actually sell and 75% of business owners regret selling their business just 1 year later.

We're the guys who come in and work with you so that you can exit on YOUR terms, and get full value for the amazing business that you have created!

Is Your Business Ready to Sell?

Our comprehensive approach will allow you to be fully prepared to exit by:

Clarifying everything that you need to do to prepare to sell

- How long before you are able to exit the business?

- What do buyers look for?

Defining what your business is currently worth

- The 8 Factors that most significantly impact your valuation

- Identifying & Capitalizing on opportunities to increase your valuation

Creating an exit plan

- How will you structure your exit?

- If/how/when do you tell your employees?

Book a discovery call with us or complete one of the questionnaires below and see how prepared you and your business are to sell!

Book a 15-min Discovery Call today! 

Assess Your Readiness to Sell

PRE Score

Exit your business with no regrets, answer 12 simple questions to get your Personal Readiness to Exit Score today

(Completion time 5 min)

Get My Score 

ValueBuilder Score

Join 65,000 business owners and get your score on the 8 Factors That Drive Your Company’s Value, a comprehensive analysis of your score and a detailed action plan for how to improve your score on each.

Freedom Score

There comes a time when the sale of your company will generate enough income to fund the rest of your life. We call it the Freedom Point